Friday, June 14, 2024

Trail Schedule and Events

Hi all!  Many have asked "hey, isn't anything going on that's fun for drinkers and trail r*nners?".  Revamped site, instagrammeatup, and bookface now include Utica H3 events, H3 road trips planned, trail r*ce trips planned, other H3 events going on, local and travel trail r*ce information, and Utica area drinking events.  
If you want something added to this list, just let us know!  We also have a whatsapp for other Utica things. 

We heart visitors and setting up drinking practice when out of towners are in the area.  If y'all want a trail, let us know when and where and will make it happen.

Rumors of our demise are mildly exaggerated! We had our 10th anniversary Little Black Dress Run for Charity in April!

2024 Utica Trails/Events (note, so many dates open it's staggering)

We made it through BoiledLiver 2023 and Little Black Dress 10th anniversary!  Thanks to all who made the event!  Updated hab in the hab section!



July 12-14:  Utica BoiledLiver weekend.  REGO HERE (HASHREGO)

 Friday:  Joining the 1 mile 'BoilerFaker' crawl/party , rego seperate , link at hashrego.  

Saturday - trail, likely from OTD's.  

Sunday - BN at the Utica Boilermaker and after party.  More details to follow for those attending.

October 17: World Peace Through Beer w/ SOH4, location TBD

Beyond Dates: Some longer trails on a Saturday?, and other events. whatcha want?


Other Area Hash Event Save The Dates (check out Other Area Hashes for links on these): 

June 21-23 2024: Halve Mein H3 KNURD Weekend

August 9-11 2024:  Happy Valley Buffett Weekend

August 23-25 2024:  IH3 Weekend

 Aug 31 - Sep 3 2024:  USA Nash Hash (rego open, waitlist)

Saturday Sep 7 2024 - SOH4 Red Dress Run

Selected Trail R*ces and Drinking Practice:
For much moar, see the "Area Trail R*nning | Drinking Practice" Section