U>0 Parent Kennel
Syracuse On-On-Doga H4 aka SOH4: Mondays April-Sep, Saturdays Oct -Mar. Check them out and carpool from Utica cause if SOH4 has trail... that's where we'll be.
U>0 Sister Kennels
Hudson Valley H3 (New Paltz, NY): Just starting up, check their schedule.
Skull and Boners H3 (New Haven, CT): Monthly.
Additional Upstate NY Kennels
Buffalo H3: Check their schedule
Flour City H3: Runs occur every Thursday night at 5:69p (6:09p) during daylight savings time (summer), and 1:69p (2:09p) on Sundays during regular time (winter).
Halve Mein H3: Some Wednesdays and some Saturdays. Check their schedule.
Ithaca H3: Alternating Sundays (generally)
SLOW H3: Family Friendly Hashing in Central New York. Monthly.
Snowblinders H3: Watertown kennel reborn
...And Beyond
BangMe H3 (Maine) New Kennel w/ first trail in April 2017
Ben Franklin H3 (Philadelphia PA)
Boston H3 (MA): Repository for the set of Boston area kennels
Burlington H3 (VT)
Dark City H3 (NJ)
DC Hashing (NCR) Repository for set of DC, NOVA, MD kennels
Eager for Beaver H3 (Boston MA)
Eerie H3 (PA)
Happy Valley H3 (MA)
Harrisburg Hershey H3 aka H5 (PA)
Hockessin H3 (DE)
Hogtown H3 (Toronto, Canada)
Jersey Devil H3 (NJ)
LAFFTER H3 (Canada / Upstate NY)
Lehigh Valley H3 (PA)
Middlebury H3 (VT) - FB page only so far
Montreal H3 (Canada)
New Haven H3 (CT)
North Of Seventy-Eight (NOSE) H3 (NJ)
Northboro H3 (MA)
NYC Hashing: (NY) Repository for at least 10 NYC area kennels and their trails
Philadelphia H3 (PA)
PORME H3 (Portland Maine)
Pittsburgh H3 (PA)
Pooflingers H3 (Northeast)
Rhode Island H3 (RI)
Rogue North H3 (PA) - FB only so far, Lehigh Valley area
Rotten Groton H3 (CT)
Rumsen H3 (NJ)
Summit H3 (NJ)